We all go through different things in life and some of those things can make or break us... they can be the defining moments in our lives. The divorced housewife who couldn't pay a light bill can one day be a millionaire. The single parent who dropped out of college can go back not only to graduate, but to have a successful career. The ex-convict who was in and out of juvenile hall as a teenager can become a lawyer or businessman. The immigrant who leaves one country can come to another for a better life. The rape victim can become an advocate for battered and abused women. The things that we go through in life tailor and define us... we develop a WDA (Won't Die Attitude).
Let me remind you of the story of a young high school basketball player who tried out for the team but didn't make it at first. He took that failure and used it for motivation. He practiced everyday and worked harder and harder, pushing himself to be better than he ever thought possible. That player was Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players to ever live!
So what has been your defining moment? And if you're going through a hard time right now and don't feel encouraged to persevere, meditate on the Word. Life is what you make it... so don't talk about it, be about it! Go after your dreams.