Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Free Will

I find it amazing that although God created us, He gave us free will. We don't have to do what He wants or says; He gave us the choice to choose what we want. A lot of times, we make decisions that we know are wrong but we still make them anyways. And sometimes we can actually hear God saying don't do this or that; don't make that mistake; don't date that guy or girl... yet we do it anyways. Then we want Him to bail us out when we get in trouble. Then we say: "Like a good neighbor, Jesus is there" (like All State). Being the awesome God that He is, He is always there and that’s why we love Him... no, that’s why I love Him. No matter what we do, He is always there. Free will or not, I have to thank God for giving me a choice. Because if it were up to me and I was God, I wouldn't give my children free will. It would be my way or no way at all... good thing I’m not God, right? At the end of the day, all I can say is: "Not my will, Lord, but Yours."

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