Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Self-Inflicted Insults?

Do you call yourself the B-word or do you still have common sense?

You would think that with a degree in psychology, life experiences that I've had, and the various people that I've met that I would be more conscious of the type of world we live in... a place where being bad, negative, or defiant is being glorified! You would think that things would no longer be shocking to me, yet everyday I find myself saying, "WOOOOOW... Really?". I recently watched a certain TV talk show where a woman proudly proclaimed: Yes, I am a B**** and that means I am:

Ok...? Listen my people, just because a person takes a word and makes an acronym out of it doesn't mean that the word loses its original meaning! Let's look at the word "stupid" for example and use it in a sentence: My boyfriend called me stupid today. Ahhh, I love when he calls me that! He is so in love with me because that means that I am: 

No... This is a more realistic statement: You must be stupid if you think I'm going to sit here and let you call me stupid and get away with it:

Don't let the world fool you, ladies and gentlemen. When a person calls you something negative but says they mean it in a good way so it's ok, NO IT'S NOT! There are some cases where two words are homonyms, such as FAT and PHAT (Pretty Hot And Tempting). These words may sound the same, but one is an insult and the other is a compliment. My point is this: if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then chances are... it's a duck! However, we should learn to respect ourselves and others in word and in deed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Many are called, but few are chosen...

Are you walking in your destiny? What is your purpose? Why are you here? Who are you? If you died today, what would people say about you? Have you changed or impacted anyone's life in a positive way? Only you know the answers. As you examine your life, I examine mine and search for the answers to these questions.

Matthew 22:14  For many are called, but few are chosen

Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost

2 Timothy 3:10  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience

Friday, May 20, 2011

Defining Moments

We all go through different things in life and some of those things can make or break us... they can be the defining moments in our lives. The divorced housewife who couldn't pay a light bill can one day be a millionaire. The single parent who dropped out of college can go back not only to graduate, but to have a successful career. The ex-convict who was in and out of juvenile hall as a teenager can become a lawyer or businessman. The immigrant who leaves one country can come to another for a better life. The rape victim can become an advocate for battered and abused women. The things that we go through in life tailor and define us... we develop a WDA (Won't Die Attitude).

Let me remind you of the story of a young high school basketball player who tried out for the team but didn't make it at first. He took that failure and used it for motivation. He practiced everyday and worked harder and harder, pushing himself to be better than he ever thought possible. That player was Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players to ever live!

So what has been your defining moment? And if you're going through a hard time right now and don't feel encouraged to persevere, meditate on the Word. Life is what you make it... so don't talk about it, be about it! Go after your dreams.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Launch!

For the past month, I have been working day and night on my website. I have sacrificed sleep, food, my social life, and my music and it has all paid off: I finally unveiled www.realifeproduction.com for the world to see! Thanks to my Executive Assistant Sharlyne Thomas and a talented, successful playwright by the name of Monique Lisa, I was set on a course to not only accomplish my goals, but to surpass them. These two women have invested something that is more valuable than money: time. I prayed to the Lord for help and He has sent me many angels, and among them were these two Women of God. They have ignited something so deep inside of me like a phoenix rising from the ashes! It's like I am the fire, Monique is the accelerant and Sharlyne is the barrier that keeps me from spreading out of control. I used to be a Jack of all trades but master of none. Now I am a Jack of all trades, accomplisher of some and many more to come. This is a major milestone for me and my label, Real Life Production LLC. It's like they say: "If you want something done right, do it yourself!"

At this time, I would also like to thank a few more people who have truly blessed me (and there are so many others): Ms. Cathy, Nakiesha Armor, Nakisha Brutus, Ortheline Joachim, Steve Marshall, Pastor William and Rosie Andrews, and all my family and friends. Last but never ever least, my personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself.

So if you haven't yet gone to http://www.realifeproduction.com/, check it out and tell a friend! Thank you.

Friday, April 29, 2011

You Can Make It!

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. The Little Engine That Could... that story has a big impact on people and they don't even realize it! If you really think about when you're in a tough situation or facing adversity, how often do you tell yourself: "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can?" Like when... you have to pull that all-nighter for that big test or presentation, or you have one more pushup, situp, or it's the last time around the track, or your mind is telling you to quit while you're ahead but your heart is saying "you can do this." As you get older, that "I think I can" should turn into: "I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!" You can do anything you set your mind to with faith, determination, hard work, and perseverance. You too, just like The Little Engine That Could, can make it to your destination!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Have you ever realized how one person can have a profound impact on your life? Sometimes it's for better and sometimes it's for worse; but nevertheless, your life will never be the same. You will always say "remember when..." or "that one time when..." Can you imagine how much more different your life would be if you and that person had never crossed paths? Ok, here is some food for thought:

Whose life have you impacted?
Did you make them different?
Did you make the person better than who/what they were?
Are you an impactor or a destroyer?
Can you be the light that helps the lost one find their way home?
Can you be the "update" that person needs?
Can you change a life for the better?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life... Opportunity... Destiny

It has become apparent to me that every raindrop counts, rather it falls on the sidewalk, window sill or in your mouth. That raindrop was destined to fall at that specific time. It was destined to travel that distance in that space and in that time. So how is this relevant or what makes this important? Life, fate and destiny! I could go a dozen different ways about how a series of events can all correspond to your current situation: It's life... it was all meant to happen... it was your fate... it was your destiny. Carpe diem is Latin for “seize the day." Life is full of the good, the heart-breaking and the unexpected; but no matter what we go through, we have to keep moving forward! How else will you live your life? Opportunity is defined as a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Tragedy is defined as an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. To the average person, opportunity is simply being in the right place at the right time; and tragedy is often thought of as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  So at the end of the day, ask yourself these questions: What do I stand for? What is my purpose? What is my destiny? I leave you with this (meditate on Philippians 3:7-21, 4:1)...

Every raindrop counts, just like every teardrop counts

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Free Will

I find it amazing that although God created us, He gave us free will. We don't have to do what He wants or says; He gave us the choice to choose what we want. A lot of times, we make decisions that we know are wrong but we still make them anyways. And sometimes we can actually hear God saying don't do this or that; don't make that mistake; don't date that guy or girl... yet we do it anyways. Then we want Him to bail us out when we get in trouble. Then we say: "Like a good neighbor, Jesus is there" (like All State). Being the awesome God that He is, He is always there and that’s why we love Him... no, that’s why I love Him. No matter what we do, He is always there. Free will or not, I have to thank God for giving me a choice. Because if it were up to me and I was God, I wouldn't give my children free will. It would be my way or no way at all... good thing I’m not God, right? At the end of the day, all I can say is: "Not my will, Lord, but Yours."

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Essence of Love

LOVE: a four letter word that no other words can truly describe. As a child you dream about what love would feel like, as a teenager you finally experience it, and as an adult you hope to master it... or do you? Love is like a light in a dark room, a cool breeze in the middle of June, like a real-life version of “Twilight - New Moon.” God is love so you think it would come naturally, but we are human so of course we would corrupt love’s purity. Tyler Perry asked, “Why Did I Get Married?” It's a good question to ask because love isn't what it used to be. But a part of me refuses to give up on love... there is hope, right? There has to be! People will cheat and people will lie, but true love is still alive. Jesus showed it best when He gave His life. If we can follow this principle, I think we'd all be alright. I know today's blog may seem a little cliché, but love can be corny sometimes. I leave you with this... 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV): “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Why does love have to be so complicated?
Why is love so complicated?
No one really knows
But it's the one feeling that makes you lose complete control
You stutter your speech and get weak in the knees
Your pulse races and your heart tends to skip a few beats
Your eyes water and you can barely breathe
Butterflies in your stomach, making you feel sick and kinda queasy
Sometimes you feel as if time has slowed down
You’re moving in slow motion
But life is happening right now
It's like being high... naturally
And being in ecstasy
Love, I know you are contagious
So please infect me... I want to be in love

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Road to Success

Oftentimes we wish that we had a chance - a chance to showcase our gift, skill or talent. Show it to someone you think can help you accomplish your dreams: Someone in the position you want to be in, someone who has already made it, someone you think can help you get to the next level. Opportunity is about being at the right place at the right time - that typically means stepping out of your comfort zone: Taking a risk, taking a chance and reaching out for the stars. You have to be willing to fail if you want to succeed. You only have one life to live -  why not live it to the fullest? I leave you with this quote: "If at first you don't succeed... try, try, try again!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

WWJP (Who's Wendell Jean-Pierre?)

Who's Wendell Jean-Pierre? You know, it's hard being me sometimes. Listening to everyone and their problems, being the life of the party, being the shoulder to lean on, being Wendell: A friend, a brother, a son, a mentor, a leader, an example, etc. etc. But when do I get to be me and live my life? When do I get to be a person, a man? If I wasn't "Wendell," who would I be? Could I be just a regular guy? Could I stop being a problem-solver? Could I stop pushing my problems aside to help someone else? As I began to ask myself these questions and search for the answers, I came to the realization that this is me! I am a brother, a mentor, a friend, a son, the life of the party, the guy who's always trying to make people laugh, the encourager, the romantic, the artist, the poet, the writer --- that's who Wendell Jean-Pierre is! I was born to be selfless and not selfish. I was born to be that shoulder to cry on. I was born to be a leader and have an impact on generations. I was born to be me. I am Wendell Jean-Pierre, and now you know the answer to WWJP.
Blink, blink... my eyes begin to blink as I sit here and think
I am lost within myself trying to relinquish my thoughts
Where am I? Where do I want to be? Who am I?
Could this be a dream, or am I living in reality?
What is true? What is false?
Am I living life, or is this my routine?
BAM!!!!! I am snapped back into reality
Life is what you make, so it's your choice to live it or fake it
Life will not define me... I will define life

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Being Free

Today is day two of my blog. I don't know how often I will be posting here, but I will try to do one at least once a week. Why am I so tired? Man, I am one of the busiest men I know! I am running and building my own business, I manage an artist and I am an artist myself, I run several departments at my church, I work with kids, and on and on and on. One of my blogs will be about who I am, what I do and where I am headed. But this blog is not about that... it's just about being free to dream. So the best way to express this is with freestyle poetry:

Dare I dream of being FREE?
In honor of Martin Luther King who has encouraged me to dream
Do I really dare to dream? If I do, what do I dream about?
I dream about being free... being free as a bird, as free as the wind,
As free as the oxygen we breath (now breath in, then breath out)
I dream about being free... free of debt, free of stress
Free of sadness, free of pain, free to love once again
See my heart is being held for ransom and I don't have the means to set it free
I dream of being free and being able to share my wealth and knowledge
Being able to encourage future generations that the sky is not the limit
Since we have been to the moon
Hope, ambition, dreams and faith
Hope is the key to ambition and ambition is the vehicle you drive
A dream is the road you would take and faith is the gas that keeps the dream alive
So grab your hope (key), unlock your ambition (vehicle), start it up
And follow your dreams (road) and let your faith (gas) keep you going
Even when you're not sure you're going to make it,
There is always a little more faith (gas) left in the reserve tank
What once was a dream is now reality...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's About Time...

I have been asked/told to start writing blogs for a while now and never saw the point, but I guess people want to hear what I have to say... Who knew! So here I am writing my 1st blog. This should be very exciting... If you know me, you already know how “crazy” I can be. If you don't know me, then you will soon find out... Ha ha ha (that's my evil laugh - get use to it, lol). I look forward to bringing you into my world... Please keep your hands and feet inside this ride at all times. On the other hand, this is MY blog, right? You can run wild!